
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/5/6
Alt Ref No2122
TitleResult of trials relating to treatment of dysentery and other papers
Date1798 - 1804
Extent1 volume
DescriptionVolume (labelled 'Miscellani' on spine) containing various papers including:

'Result of the trial of various articles in Dysentery' (20 August-14 November 1799) with tables showing the effects on dysentery from the use of nitric acid taken internally and by the bath, Nux Vomica, Aqua Calcis [lime water],Vitriolated Zinc, Vitriolic Ether, Calomel, Pulv. _ Ipecac, Gum Camphor and Gum Asafoetida, with additional notes by McGrigor. Also includes table showing state of the sick of the 88th Regiment from 1 June 1800-31 May 1801 and 'Copies of two Memoirs regarding the use of Nitric Acid in Syphilis - transmitted to Dr. [Beddows or Beddors?] for publication' [dated 1798 and 1800].

Copy of letter to William Sandwith, Secretary to the Medical Board, Bombay sent from Colabah, July 1800 with a detailed account of the health of the 88th Regiment during voyage to, and stay in, India.

Copy of letter to William Moir and Helenus Scott, Members of the Medical Board, Bombay, dated 20 August 1801, reporting on events during previous year with regard to the health of the 88th Regiment and detachments from other corps (30 pages).

'Tables with explanations exhibiting the results of practice with the New or the Oxyginated Remedies in Syphilitic complaints'. There follows a paragraph in French and then a summary beginning: 'After a seven years pretty extensive practice with the new or the oxygenating remedies, we may venture to speak of their merit in venereal complaints, our trials of them have been neither few nor on a contracted scale. In upwards of three hundred patients, in every variety of climate, in a great variety of habit, and in a very great number of the symptoms which this _ _ disease assumes: we have exhibited these powerful agents and the accompanying tables will shew [sic] with what success' (17 pages).

'State of the Deaths and Diseases in the Indian Army in Egypt from the time of embarkation to the Return to India'. Table signed by James McGrigor, Superintending Surgeon, Indian Army showing extent of diseases affecting the European regiments and, listed separately, the Indian regiments, under the following headings: Corps; _ ; Place of embarkation [with dates]; Invalided or Sent back to India ; Dead; Plague; Fever; Liver Complaints; Dysentery; Diseases of the Lungs; Stroke of the sun; Diseases unknown. The regiments listed are as follows:
'Europeans': 8th Light Dragoons, Royal Artillery, Horse Artillery, Bengal Artillery, Madras Artillery, Bombay Artillery, 10th Regiment, 61st Regiment, 80th Regiment, 86th Regiment and the 88th Regiment.
'Natives of India': Horse Artillery, Bengal Artillery, Madras Artillery, Bombay Artillery, Engineers, Bengal Volunteer Battalion, First Bombay Regiment, 7th Bombay Regiment, _ , 'The Departments'.
[A second and third table are also enclosed with the same information but including some additional notes.]

Letter to McGrigor, dated Eastbourne, 5 December 1804, from J. Thomson answering questions posed by McGrigor in recent letter relating to the movement and health of troops.

Register of the weather for February 1801 and March 1801, 'when at sea' (2 leaves).

Register of the weather, recording daily temperature, for period covering April 1801-November 1802 [some of the pages are badly stained and are quite fragile].

Register of weather and situation of thermometer, April 1801-December 1804 [with some gaps].

'Notes on the appearance on inspection of the bodies of _ 171 men of the 75th, 77th, 84th and 88th regiments who died in the Hospital of the 88th regt. from 20th August to 6th October 1800' [details of 18 cases].

Table showing 'Yearly return from June 1800 to May 1801 inclusive of the diseases and mortality occuring in the 88th Regt.'.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Physical Description1 volume (0.03 linear metres)
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