
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/8
Alt Ref No2132
TitleCase book 8
Date14 September - 31 October 1797
Extent1 volume
DescriptionDescription of surgical cases in the hospital of the 88th Regiment, Jersey. Remarks are entered for each day and include the names of the patients, their complaints, the medicines prescribed, their progress and if they have been dismissed from hospital.

There are weekly remarks for the 15-22 October, assumed written by McGrigor, where it is noted that most of the 29 patients in the hospital are in a state of convalescence. He comments on a number of cases:
Fox seems to be very easily affected by mercury, and salivation took place in a very short time.
Garity has been using mercury for several months and is now much better.
Manson is getting worse although a variety of medicines have been tried. Dr. Griffiths plan has been tried for 3 weeks without any benefit.
Carruthers complaint has been stationery for several months. Some 'animal food' was given to him last week but as he thought this made him worse it has been discontinued.
Darby: 'The Pulv. Ipecac. seemed to be of service at first, but at present it does not give relief'.
George: his ulcer, though very obstinate, is at last starting to heal.
King has entirely lost the use of his left eye. A little inflammation continues…
Hill, Brooksbank, Simpson and Burke: ulcers healing.
Dagg's eye is still inflamed but he is without any pain.
Codd: the chancres heal very rapidly.
Douglass is very emaciated and none of the medicines tried have been of service.
Scantlin's throat is much better since he began to use the mercurial [gargle?].
Jordan: has got a little better under the use of the _ _ .
Jones' complaints 'are very obscure - He appears to be somewhat deranged'.
Connolly: 'The Pulv. Dover tho' given in _ large doses has only brought out a slight Diaphoresis'.
[Dryson or Dixon] and Brown were 'cleaned' of their gonorrhoea very quickly.
Jones' diarrhoea was brought on by exposure to cold and moisture.
Wall was in the hospital a considerable time formerly with dysentery. The disease yielded to the Jalap [Cutai.?] with opiates: 'Its return was probably occasioned by his getting wet when on duty'.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Physical Description1 volume (0.02 linear metres)
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