
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/4
Alt Ref No2128
TitleCase book 4
Date9 December 1796 - 23 May 1797
Extent1 volume
Administrative HistoryThe 88th regiment returned from the West Indies in October 1796. After disembarking at Portsmouth they marched to their regimental headquarters at Halifax in Yorkshire. McGrigor took leave at this point and did not rejoin the regiment until spring 1797. The regiment eventually embarked on 20 May 1797 for Jersey, remaining on the island for 18 months.
DescriptionDescription of medical cases in the 88th Regiment while stationed at Halifax, Yorkshire; 'on the march to Chatham'; at Chatham barracks; in quarters at Rochester; on the march to Hilsea; in Hilsea barracks and 'on ship-board at Portsmouth'. Medical Officers: Surgeon: McGrigor; Assistant Surgeons: Bruce and Browne.

Remarks are entered for each day and include the names of the patients, their complaints, the medicines prescribed, their progress and if they have been dismissed from hospital.

Weekly remarks, in which McGrigor also notes the progress of individual cases, are provided for the following dates:

6-12 February (page 130): on the 6th there was a total of 19 cases: 13 venereal cases, 3 ulcers, 1 case of rheumatism, 1 case of the 'itch' and 1 'punished' case; on the 13th there was a total of 15 cases: 10 cases of I[ntermittent] F[ever]? or L[ues] V[enerea]?, 4 ulcers and 1 case of rheumatism; several of the old venereal cases are doing well with use of Peruvian bark…the 'bubos' which were cut are very difficult to heal; swelling in Daniels' knee seems diminished by the repeated application of [leeches].

10-19 April [1797] (page 240): there are 23 sick with the strength of the regiment being nearly 400; there are also 15 'itches'; notes 7 venereal cases, 4 of which are lues and the rest are gonorrhea; discusses case of Dr. Blakely who was admitted with 2 chancres and other cases admitted with similar symptoms; comments on case of pneumonia, gonorrhea cases and eye problems of patient named Parker; a case of lumbago had on one occasion been greatly exposed to cold during his time in West Indies; there are 3 'punished' cases, 2 cases of ulcers, 3 cases of pneumonia, 1 case of variola [smallpox]…

20-25 April (page 259): there are 21 patients in hospital and 2 in quarters 'and but 8 Itches'; notes that there are 5 venereal cases, some of whom have been treated with Flor. Sulph. [Flores Sulfuris or 'Flowers of Sulphur']; 3 cases are suffering from diseases of the eyes, one of which is ophthalmia; also discusses cases of ulcers and 4 'pneumonic' cases.

26 April-3 May (page 286): the number of sick has increased to 22; discusses 6 venereal cases one of whom was admitted with bubo and 2 chancres; there are still 3 cases with eye problems: Parker has taken Calomel [mercurous chloride].

There is an incomplete index of cases at the end of the volume.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
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