
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/29
Alt Ref No2154
TitleCase book 29
DateJanuary - June 1805
Extent1 volume
Administrative HistoryIn February 1804 McGrigor transferred to the Horse Guards Blue at Canterbury, later moving to Windsor.
DescriptionCase book of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards 'kept at Windsor' from the 1 January-31 June 1805. Labelled '30' on spine. In table format, each entry records the date of admission, the patient's name, the troop to which they belong, the disease they are suffering from, their age, whether they were admitted to hospital or remained in quarters, their date of 'dismission' and the page reference of a more detailed summary of the patients condition and progress. Examples of these entries are as follows:

Page 23
John Brookes, aged 21. Captain Athorpe's troop.
17 January. 'Got a contusion in back last night, by falling down stairs with a sack on his back, some swelling, about the middle of dorsal vertebrae…' [note of medicines given to patient.].
19 January. 'Still some swelling, and considerable pain of his back and loins'.
21 January. 'Much stiffness, and some swelling of the lumbar region'.
23 January. 'Is [prospering?] freely from a dose of Dovers powder which he took last night - has less of the stiffness'.
25 January. '…says his back is a great deal better, no swelling, no pain, unless on stooping when the lower part of the lumbar region and sacrum are painful'.
26 January. 'Back much better, less stiffness and pain…Dismissed cured'.

Page 95
Jonathan Hurst, Captain Slingsby's troop.
14 April. 'On Friday last was seized with cold shiverings followed by heat, and occasionally recurring. He now complains of headache and oppression at stomach. Pulse _ , not strong. _ Solut. Antim. Tartarix ad vomitionem'.
15 April. 'Vomited much, _ , some giddiness and pain of head…'.
16 April. 'Convalescent'.
20 April. Dismissed cured.

At the end of the volume there is an alphabetical list of diseases and a separate alphabetical list of names.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
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