
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/15
Alt Ref No2139
TitleCase book 15
Date15 February - 15 September 1799
Extent1 volume
DescriptionDescription of cases in the 88th Regiment occurring in the Regimental Hospital, 'while at sea on board the Taunton Castle Indiaman', during stay at the Cape of Good Hope and after arriving at Bombay. Remarks are entered for each day and include the names of the patients, their complaints, the medicines prescribed, their progress and if they have been dismissed from hospital. In this case book, many of the daily entries contain very brief one line entries on individual patients.

Weekly remarks, in which McGrigor also notes the progress of individual cases, are not provided until page 70 and the regiment's arrival at the Cape of Good Hope and Bombay is not referred to in the notes, aside from the first weekly remarks in July:

'Weekly remarks since disembarking to 1 July':
'The seven comp[anie]s on the 14th June disembarked in a state that might be termed very healthy. In the Taunton Castle the Fever had for some weeks disappeared and the cases of Dysentery were in a state of convalescenceā€¦'; notes lack of sickness in second ship. After only a few days on the island of Colabah [where the 88th was stationed], cases of diarrhoea appeared; some degenerated into dysentery. The weekly report for 25 June-1 July shows the total number of sick to be 53. Also describes condition of one case of scurvy who before leaving the ship injured himself in the heel with a bayonet.

2-8 July (p.81): the sick list has increased by 14, all of these dysenteric cases. He cannot yet be certain as to causes of disease; in most cases either blood or a yellowish matter is producedā€¦

9-14 July (pp.93-94)
15-23 July (pp.109-110)
24-29 July (p.118)
[30 July-4 August] (pp.126-127)
5-11 August (pp.140-141)
12-19 August (p.147)
20-26 August (p.153)
27 August-2 September (p.158)
3-9 September (pp.164-165)
11-15 September (pp.172-173)

At the end of the volume there is an index of cases.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Physical Description1 volume (0.02 linear metres)
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